Video of S&P 500, Oil, Netflix (NFLX) and some Forex trades for 1-19-2019

Here is a video for the S&P 500, Oil, Netflix (NFLX) and some Forex trades I am in for 1-19-2019. This video goes over my precise entries and exits for each instrument. I also show two Forex trades I am currently in that I feel has still great room to the upside. Let me know what you think and if you have any stocks, Forex, futures, or cryptos you would like my analysis on. I always try to provide detailed entries and exits. Never will I give my opinion without saying where I predict price is going. I strive to hedge 0%. That is how confident I am in my trade setups.

Cliff Notes

  • I think the S&P 500 still has room to run to the upside a little bit more. After that then we will have to wait and see what happens.
  • For Oil (CL) I am bullish and see more room to the upside from its current levels.
  • Netflix (NFLX) I would be shorting it from where it currently is at.
  • For the GBP/JPY I am long and look for more room to run to the upside.
  • The CHF/PLN I am short and there is plenty of room for it to move to the downside.

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