1 Question to Ask Someone Selling You a Trading Product or Service

Almost anyone who is requiring payment to learn their trading system, be instructed by them, learn from them, watch their videos, read their books or any other “trading service” they offer is someone who does not make money trading.  What they are good at though is marketing.  They convince you that they do make money while never providing any proof that their career is based upon trading.  The biggest lie I’ve heard is: “Well I just like to teach and give back to others so that is why I am charging $4,999+ for my system.”  If anyone tells you that lie then there is a 99% chance they are a loser at trading and are trying to con you out of your money.  If someone who is asking you to purchase a product of service from them won’t provide verified results (like a live linked account from myfxbook) that they consistently make money then  you know for a fact they do not make money trading.  In my next post I will link a site that reviews other trading sites and for some of you it will be astounding to see how many trading sites are scams.

Before you pay even $1.00 to anyone ask them them 1 question:

  1.  Will you show me your live up to date trading results that is verified by a 3rd party?

If they won’t show you this no matter what their excuse is then you know they do not make money trading and are a con artist.  If you ignore this and give them your money then I can pretty much guarantee you that you will waste your money.  I would highly recommend you take that money and go to a casino because your odds will be much higher that you will make money gambling than you would trading their loser system.

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