If you trade any market or instrument (stocks, Forex, futures, options, cryptos, etc.) you will soon see experts and gurus who have written books, have trading courses, and offer trading rooms. The popular traders can teach us many key aspects about trading and what it takes to be profitable. Almost all of them have a couple of key points they follow that help lead them to profitability. If you follow these key points then you will be well on your way to letting other people know how successful you are trading. This is EXTREMELY powerful information so use it wisely.

The Most Important Factor Experts and Gurus Follow
This key point is the biggest factor and trading point almost all of the experts and gurus follow. It is almost as if all of them have a secret club they are all in so they can follow the same trading points. Here it is:
Under no circumstance do you ever provide proof that you are a profitable trader!
That is the biggest key for trading success. If no one really knows how much they make trading then they create the value they bring. They write their own checks.
Even though it is insanely easy to show proof and verified statements in your profitability you must follow the experts and gurus who NEVER provide any proof of their trading profitability. If they have made millions from trading by never providing proof then you would be stupid to think you have to provide proof of trading success.
The ONLY proof of trading profitability you provide is screen-shots cut out of only certain trades so everyone knows your trading is profitable. Just like the experts and gurus they don’t have a 100% winning trade percentage. Most of them are above 90% so you have to show some losing trades from time to time to show that you are human also.
But keep those losses you show the world super small and the winners you display as monsters because even though the experts and gurus are not perfect, they are damn well close.
It’s so easy anyone can do it!
The Second Most Important Factor for Gurus
If you ever review a chart or make a prediction you ALWAYS do it in hind-sight. Do not ever, Ever, EVer, EVEr, EVER, make a prediction without the move already have happened or is 90% complete.
The key is to show how your trade expertise predicted this trade before it went underway even though it is either complete or almost complete.
You always want to have to scroll left on your chart to show how your expertise predicted the move. The move could be up or down, it doesn’t matter. What does matter is you get to show your expertise like the experts and gurus demonstrate by how well they predicted the move to happen after it happened.
You might feel tempted to show your trading expertise and predict a move before it has happened but do not do it. If your favorite trading expert or guru doesn’t go out on a limb and make a prediction about a move that isn’t already 90% over then who do you think you are to do such a thing? You aren’t a guru or expert.
Follow the experts and show your expertise after the moves have happened.
If You Miss on the Second Factor Then Do This Fast
If for some reason you felt the need to make a prediction without the move have already taken place and you somehow are wrong then you must do this fast!
You have to use this exact phrase, “I was early in my call on that trade.” There, bam, and done!
It is the ultimate get out of jail card. It’s kind of like starting and sentence by saying “With all due respect…….” No matter what you say after saying “With all due respect” doesn’t matter because you prefaced it with the ultimate passive aggressive opening that cannot be beaten.
So if for some reason you didn’t follow the second most important factor and make the prediction after the trade has completed or is about to complete then follow it up with “I was early in my call on that trade.”
That will let everyone know your prediction wasn’t wrong, it was just early. And as we all know, being early is better than late. So in theory you being wrong (early) is better than you being correct.
If anyone tries to question or call you out then just point to the fact you weren’t wrong, you were just early.
The Third Factor for Ultimate Trading Success
If you have followed the first 2 factor’s and utilize the “I was early in my call on that trade” if you are very wrong then you have set yourself up for massive financial gains that most of the experts and gurus enjoy.
Your efforts are now very soon to be rewarded with trading profitability. Not necessarily from trading but from other people spending their money buying your products and services.
You now have to cash in on your “trading success.” There are several options to choose from or you can do all of them:
- Write trading books or eBooks (or hire someone to write them for you)
- Sell trading courses, systems, indicators, or signals
- Open a trading room and charge people a sign up fee PLUS monthly access fee (the most lucrative option)
If you choose to open a trading room then that can require the most work but can be extremely profitable. Here are some key points to consider:
- Always charge an initiation fee in order for your students to show they really are committed
- Never have the initiation fee end in a 0. Always have it end with a 5 or 7. As an example here are some prices: $297……..$1,995……..$497
- Even if you have 1 person paying for your trading room ALWAYS tell prospective members that there are only 3 spots left so you have to hurry and sign up today before you miss out
- Tell your members if they leave a review on a popular trading site and send you a screen-shot then you will give them a free month’s access
- If you have to trade “live” then always do it in SIM. If people question why you do it in sim then tell them it is so you can focus on providing them the best setups so you don’t worry about trading your money.
- Refer to factor #1 for your trading success and only provide selected results and screen-shots that reinforces how good your trading room really is
- Hire someone to run the trading room for you. So you can go do other things than teach a trading room (And by hire I mean to offer them a reduced discount on their monthly access fee)
Conclusion in Dealing with Gurus
These factors I listed above are extremely powerful and can put millions of dollars in your pockets. As long as you observe and follow them. They are trading secrets most of the gurus and experts follow but won’t talk about. It is a secret society that is extremely powerful but not very exclusive.
So now that you have the power in your hands please use it wisely. Its can change your life just like many trading experts and gurus have done by utilizing these principles.
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My Robinhood Review: https://evancarthey.com/review-robinhood-trading-service-with-no-fees-part-1/