The Oil recession is officially over

Finally the Move is Complete

From June 16, 2014 until February 11, 2016 the price of oil was pretty much straight down.  It started at a high of $107.54 and went to a low of $26.05.  There has never been a move like that in the history of oil’s price.  On 1/25 the price of oil hit $66.66 and that is the day that according to my analysis the recession is officially over.  Price didn’t hit $67.11 which was the 50% Fib retracement level but it is close enough.

oil recession over
oil recession over

You can read about some of my other posts regarding what would happen to oil here:

I had been extremely bullish on oil since the lows of 2/11/16 and saw any weakness as an opportunity to buy.  I have been long ConocoPhillips (COP) all through this through a direct reinvestment plan.  If you are interested in it I purchase it through here:  They offer a bunch of other stocks and some don’t really have a cost.  I think every time I purchase COP it is around $2.50.  In the past I had Exxon (XOM) through them and withdrew the full amount with no problem.

What is next?

In another post I’ll explain what I see happening since now we can focus on other moves because the major retracement from the lows is now complete.  I am still very bullish on oil and would use any dips as buying opportunities.  Conclusion, the recession officially ended on 1/26/2018 and the new oil market is here.  The current dip is a great buying opportunity since price is hitting hard off of the 50% Fib retracement level.



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