Forex results for March 2019 – How did I end up? Growth or Struggle?

How did I end up for the month of March with my Forex trading? My live account is linked to and I go over the results. As a bonus, I show the other account I had linked that I busted. I’ve blown several accounts so by no means am I perfect.

I’ve been trading for over 10 years and success didn’t start to happen until I started meditating in finding my own trading setups. Before that I would try to copy other people who said they were an expert in trading. All that did was cause my accounts to slowly drain away. It wasn’t until a friend showed me the secret.

The secret is trusting yourself 100%. You can never do that for trading if you are copying someone else’s trading style. Yes, I think you can take bits and pieces and learn from other people. But at the end of the day, you have to create your own trading style. The only way to do this is to discover it for yourself.

How I did this was through meditation. I have a link below that shows the exact steps I took to make it happen. It is easy but it takes consistent work. Most people won’t put in the time and effort to create a trading style that is their own. They would rather pay someone else who probably isn’t a profitable trader which is why they never show their trading results.

You can do it, if I can do it then you can do it. I knew one day I would be profitable and once my friend showed me how. I didn’t give up until I discovered the trading style that works for me. It took me 6+ months of meditating and trial and error before I had my first breakthrough. It was totally worth it. The journey has been amazing.

My trading style is constantly evolving because I am always on the hunt for more profitable trading setups than I am currently using. So far I have improved on my trading setups and look to improve on them even more in the future.

Video: Forex results for March 2019 – How did I end up? Growth or Struggle?

Popular Links

Here are a couple of links if you are looking at how I view the market and some trade setups. You can create your own trading style and setups. Quit paying losing traders to teach you. The only thing they teach is how to lose money.


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