Trading System Review: PATs (Mack’s) Price Action Trading System

If you are looking for a trading system that doesn’t use indicators then I recommend you check out PATs (Price Action Trading System).

In the world of trading there are so many people trying to sell their proprietary indicators for hundreds and even thousands of dollars. Most of them are nothing more then free indicators you can find on the web. But the “gurus” who sell them claim they are the holy grail to trading.

Never mind the fact that these gurus will not provide proof of their profitability but they swear it works. As you can already guess these indicators will not make you a profitable trader by simply following their signals. They will only assist you in losing money faster.

They range from trend-line indicators to help you spot the trend, to oscillators, Fibonacci retracement/extensions, and just about anything else. The people selling them repackage them and claim it is their own proprietary indicator.

Some go as far as to say they have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars “creating” them. It is all a bunch of crap.

So my advice is to test out as many trading styles/systems as you can and find the one that you like. You’ll know what style you should focus on because you will enjoy trading it. You probably won’t trade exactly like the style or system you are learning but it can help provide the structure you need for where you are at in your trading.

But NEVER spend thousands or even hundreds of dollars on a trading course. If the person selling it won’t provide verified results that they have been a profitable trader for years then you can be assured the only money they make is from selling their trading room access and trading products.

They are nothing more than a snake-oil salesman.

snake oil sales-man
snake oil sales-man

Mack’s Price Action Trading System

In the previous post, I mentioned PATs Price Action Day Trading system

I remember I was out of town at a conference for work and I was back in my hotel room.  I was looking around Youtube for price action trading videos and I came across Mack’s videos where he reviewed a daily ES chart with his trades marked.  After watching a couple of his videos I knew his trading style was a system I was going to learn because it did not involve indicators and was purely on 2nd entries.  I watched a ton of his videos and bought his e-book for $100.

When I got home I fired up Ninja Trader and started trying to emulate his trading style.  To keep myself focused I started a journal on (formerly Big Mike’s Trading but he was sued by AMP).  Search in the elite section for the user “evanbro” and my old journal should come up that chronicled my trading journey.  I also kept a lot of entries on a blog as well so it was easier to copy over to the journal:

PATs chart

Through this specific section of my journey, I met some really cool people and one person in-particular who has been the most influential in helping me create my own trading style.  If I hadn’t had tried Mack’s system and then started the journal I never would have met those people and I would not be at this point today.

Mack’s system is all about price action although I haven’t looked at it in a while so I’m not sure if he has changed anything.  When I was following it, the trading style was all about spotting 2nd entries and failed 2nd entries then trading at those points.

At that time in my trading career, it was exactly what I needed because it provided structure and getting away from indicators which I knew I wanted to get rid of.

After about a year and a half of learning his trading style, I knew there were parts of it I liked but others that did not work for me so it was time to move on.  I had started the beginning process of developing my own style of trading and Mack’s system helped get me to that point.

PATs Legit or Not?

If you are looking for price action trading without indicators then I do recommend checking out Mack’s trading style.  You can find him on Youtube if he is still doing the daily reviews which it looks like he is still doing.

It was a great experience for me and although I don’t trade using his style it definitely was extremely influential in helping me get to where I am now.  If you are still searching for consistent profitability then try out as many different trading styles as you can and use the parts that resonate with you.  You’ll know which parts those are because they will come naturally to you.

PATs system assisted me in creating my own trading style that works for me. The main driver though was through meditation. It wasn’t until I started trusting myself and creating my own trading style that I then started to experience profitability in trading.

The reason why I recommend PATs system is because it helped me on my journey. If it helps you then awesome, if not then no big deal.

Preparing for the Journey
Preparing for the Journey

The Goal With Your Trading

The goal is to try and test as many different trading styles you can during your journey so you can craft the trading style that works for you.

No two people are the same so no two people will trade exactly the same.

There isn’t a “right” way to trade. The only right way to trade is if it makes you money. If trading a certain way doesn’t make you money then try something else.

Once I started meditating to tap into my subconscious mind in order to find out the style of trading that would lead me to profitability it still took over 6 months before I had my first break-through.

I tested numerous setups and trading styles. But each time I came to the conclusion that one didn’t work it just meant I was one step closer to finding out what would work for me.

My trading continues to evolve. Each time I find a setup that works for me then it is a little bit more profitable than the one before.

P.S. – If this post benefits you and if you haven’t used Robinhood for trading stocks but are thinking to then please consider using my referral link when you do sign up:

This way each of us will receive a free share of a random stock if you sign up through my referral link.

My Robinhood Review:

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1 comment

  • Khalid

    Hi Evan
    Could you please kindly contact me at my email. It’s mycellcare at hotmail dot com


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