Why is proof of profitability so hard for trading services to provide?

Can you show me verified yearly trading statements for your proof of profitability?

There you go, you don’t have to read any further because that is the only question you have to ask someone who is trying to sell you a trading service, trading room, or training. The funny thing is, once you ask this question you will most likely get excuses as to why they can’t, non-verified statements, or they’ll never respond.

I’ve never met one trading “guru” who would provide verified statements on their trading. It is always excuses provided or ignoring the request.

total bullcrap
total bullcrap

Why Is It So Hard to Provide Proof?

Normally I don’t call out someone or a trading group that I haven’t been through but this one needs to be confronted from the picture above. It is a trading room called The Oil Trading Group. I used to be on their daily email but unsubscribed once it was them emailing every day on why I should sign-up for their trading room.

When someone only pushes you to sign up for the trading services they are selling than 99% of the time the only money they make from trading is by marketing themselves as a guru who you should purchase from.

Now it has gotten even worse. It looks like they are using Click-Funnels or Thrive Themes for their landing page. How do I know this? Because I create sales funnels as well. I know all of the tricks used and they are using almost all of them.

I went ahead and re-subscribed just to see the fun.

They have a full-fledged sales funnel. I love sales funnels, I absolutely love them. But I hate when they are used to trick people which is what is going on here.

No proof of profitability
No proof of profitability

crap offer

When you enter your email and name then you get taken to another page.

The initial offer of “Learn why this is the WORST question you can ask when evaluating trading” report is called a Lead Magnet. It is usually something free someone offers you to get your attention and/or email address.

When you want the Lead Magnet you have to provide your email address. But in this case not only do they not send it to you right away, but they also make you scroll down all the way to the bottom of the next page.

What is on the next page? A smallish offer of ONLY $47.00 on professional trade setups and money management.

This $47.00 offer is called a trip-wire and is very effective. A trip-wire is a very small offer used to get people to buy from them in order to upsell them the bigger ticket items later. What is their big ticket item? I’ll get to that in a bit.

They quote Paul Tudor Jones and obviously have paid a professional to do the copywriting on the page. It is slick, I give them credit. They have a good sales funnel. At this point, I know they will never provide proof of profitability that whoever created this trading room is a profitable trader.

proof of profitability
proof of profitability

crap offer 2

Do you see they try to trick you into purchasing their $47 crap? If you ONLY want the free report you came for then you have to click on the tiny red button at the button all the way at the very bottom of the page.

I’ve rarely seen someone make you scroll all the way to the bottom to receive a free report after you have opted in. That is so hilariously bad if you are trying to build trust with a potential client. This screams to me they only care about getting your money and not building trust. Everything about this experience screams to run far away! Your number one goal in sales is to build trust with your client. Well, it is if you actually believe in your product and know it will benefit them.

People only buy from someone they trust. People can be tricked into buying a product or service but if you want a long term relationship with a client then you have to build trust. The opposite of building trust is going on here.

Notice how the $47 offer is in green and the free report button is in red. Another psychology trick used in sales…….and they have a TON of them on this page.

Finally I clicked on the red button and still another screen popped up before I was allowed to download it asking me if I wanted to join their trading room. HELL NO!

The report is what I expected. Around a 10-page PDF, you can pay someone on Fiver to write for you if you give them the basic information to include pictures and charts.

Finally, I found the big-ticket item they are selling. Here is the basic sales funnel formula they are using which is very popular and very effective: Lead Magnet —-> Trip Wire —> Big Ticket Item.

crap offer 3
crap offer 3


I didn’t start out writing this to go over the Oil Trading Group. But after looking at their webpage it is a PERFECT example of someone who has gone to great lengths to not provide proof of profitability. They even attacked the question of why it is the worst question you can ask. Hilarious!!!!! Of course, they don’t want to provide proof they are profitable…..hmmmmm, I wonder why??????? /sarcasm

For ONLY $2,497 you too can have access to their professional bundle which includes lifetime access to their trading room but don’t even think to ask to see if they are profitable! Just take their word for it and fork over your money!

They also have a deal with Top-Step-Trader and that is another company I am not fond of at all. I’ll write about them at another time. They claim they use a 3rd party industry partner to post their results from their trading combines. I don’t care about your trading combines. I want to see the yearly statement from the trading brokerage you use that shows whether you are profitable or not for the past 5 years at a minimum. Especially if you are asking for $2,500 from me to learn how to make money trading.

If you are really profitable then that would be my #1 selling point I would lead with.

At the end of the day, I hope I am dead wrong and the Oil Trading Group consistently churns out multi-millionaires who use their system. But from my 15+ years in this game, I’ve seen way more losing traders than profitable traders trying to sell their services.

Prove to me you are profitable.

It is so easy to provide proof of profitability in the trading world. I’ve used Forex.com, Capital City Markets, Scottrade, TD Ameritrade, Mirus Futures, Robinhood AND THEY ALL SEND ME MONTHLY AND YEARLY REPORTS on my account performance.

Why won’t people who sell trading services, products, courses, etc. provide them? Sure they can edit them but it is at least one more step of proof of profitability. The more you verify someone before you purchase from them will give you a good idea if they are legit or not.


Never buy from me or anyone else who won’t show you proof from a verified statement. That is why I am so open with my trading performance. I am not selling anything right now and don’t have plans to in the near future.

To be honest I am still fighting the battle of sustained profitability. I’ve shown to be profitable in the stock market for the last 2 years and going on a year in the Forex market but that doesn’t mean I always will. I hope I do but nothing is guaranteed.

I can’t in good conscience offer trading services/education/mentoring unless I know 100% I am profitable. I must also have the results to back it up for anyone and everyone to see. It’s too bad almost everyone else out there in the trading world doesn’t follow that same thought process.

The two things I’ve ever offered is a link to join Robinhood if you haven’t already because each of us would get a free stock if you use my code to sign-up. And I’ve used affiliate links to products I have personally used that have benefitted me which I’ve said were affiliate links.

I created this website to assist me in my trading journey and provide accountability in my own trading. 100% transparency in my trading journey with its ups and downs is my goal. Hopefully, it entertains you and assists you in your trading journey.

A good rule of thumb to follow in the trading world is IF THEY WANT YOU TO BUY A PRODUCT OR SERVICE then they are not profitable traders.

Rant over.

Popular Links

Here are a couple of links if you are looking at how I view the market and with my trade setups as well as products I like and use.

Robinhood Trading Broker Review

If this post benefits you and if you haven’t used Robinhood for trading stocks but are thinking to then please consider using my referral link when you do sign up: http://share.robinhood.com/evanc203

This way each of us will receive a free share of a random stock if you sign up through my referral link.

My Robinhood Review:  https://evancarthey.com/review-robinhood-trading-service-with-no-fees-part-1/

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