Video: Precise entries and exits for IBM, PG, and UTX for 1/23/2019

In the video below I will go over the precise entries and exits for IBM, PG, and UTX for 1/23/2019. There are some interesting setups to be had with these stocks. As my trading continues to evolve I am looking for more precise setups.

This is accomplished through meditation. Below is a link I have for the exact process I use in my meditation for trading. One of the best aspects of meditation is that it improves your life as whole because trading is a reflection of who you are.

You cannot put your trading self into a box and expect it to be different than who you are. This is why almost everyone who joins a trading room loses money. They are attempting to copy another person’s trading style. Also, it is highly probably the person teaching the course or running the trading room isn’t profitable themselves but that is another rant for another time.

I firmly believe every person who truly wants to be successful trading must create their own trading style. The reason why I believe this is because I was never profitable trading until I created my own system and quit trying to copy others. I found the way I liked to trade and went from there.

If you enjoy moving average divergence then start there. Each person will be different. For me it was Fibonacci and Harmonic Patterns as the baseline to my trading style.

Video: Precise entries and exits for IBM, PG, and UTX for 1/23/2019

I hope you enjoyed the video for IBM, PG, and UTX. I plan on making more over the year so let me know if there are any stocks, futures, or Forex pairs you would like to see reviewed and previewed.

Popular Links

Here are a couple of links if you are looking at how I view the market and some trade setups. You can create your own trading style and setups. Quit paying losing traders to teach you. The only thing they teach is how to lose money.

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My Robinhood Review:

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