Technical Analysis of Facebook (FB) and Nasdaq 100 (NQ) for 1/31/2019

Today I am looking at the technical analysis of Facebook (FB) and the Nasdaq 100 (NQ). Facebook has made a big move and the Nasdaq is setting itself up for an interesting run.

The technical analysis being used is from the 4 trade setups which I trade from. The main one being the Lightning Trade Setup. I am currently not in Facebook (FB) or the Nasdaq 100 (NQ) and do not have plans to do so in the next 24-48 hours. All views are my own opinion and should not be taken as financial advice.

I developed these trade setups through meditating. I firmly believe you have to create your own trading style and setups if you want to be profitable. You cannot expect to be profitable by blindly following a trading signal service, trading rooms, or any other services people are trying to sell. They can help but the good ones are few and far between.

The difference for this post is I am doing it through a video. They are all hosted through YouTube so if you click on the video below you can view the rest of my videos. I am going to have a video incorporated with as many of my reviews and analysis as possible to give people multiple ways to view the information.

Video Technical Analysis of Facebook (FB) and Nasdaq 100 (NQ)


  • Facebook – I am looking at a move down before it goes up again. For the short term, I think the move is to the downside. There is a big gap to fill to the downside. After that for a longer time frame I am more bullish and look for the big gap it left to get filled to the upside
  • Nasdaq – Just like Facebook I am bearish short term to the downside. Longer term I am more bullish but that does not mean price could continue to move down. There isn’t a long term setup that has me screaming “BUY BUY BUY” right now.

As always, be safe out there. If you feel you have to be in a trade because you will miss out then do not take the trade. Wait at least one day and then get it. Everytime I have that feeling of missing out the unit I am trading always goes the other way I am looking for it to go. So the longer I wait to get in then the better price I can receive.

So be patient with your trading. Even if you miss out on one trade there will be another one just around the corner. Fear and greed are the constant battle I face everyday and as much as I wish I could say I have it conquered, I do not.

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