Review: Steve Ira – Trading Psychology Help (Expensive but worth it)

Around 4 or so years ago I was getting really stressed out at my job.  I knew I needed some help in dealing with this level of stress because I have never had to handle that much stress at one time and I didn’t know what to do.  This is around the time my friend had created his own trading style and was starting to make really good money.  He explained to me how he came up with his trading style and he said it was kick-started with Steve Ira.  If you have ever done Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) before then Steve’s method was similar but completely different.  I know that doesn’t make any sense but that is as close as a comparison as I can think of.  I had tried EFT before but I never noticed it reducing my stress or anxiety levels.

I contacted Steve and we had a 15 minute chat.  I told him that my ultimate goal was to be a full time trader but right now I had to focus on my corporate job since that paid the bills and I wasn’t profitable trading anyways.  The issue was my stress levels at work and I didn’t know how to handle it.  Steve told me that the issues I’m having is what he tackles in his sessions because your trading life is exactly who you are.  So it didn’t matter if I was trading or not because these are things everyone needs to get straightened out if they are to be successful in life.  I booked a couple of hours and we had it setup for the following week.  My friend had told me what to expect and that it is a crazy experience.

What Steve does is go to the root of your issues which normally stems from events in your childhood.  Once he locates an issue he has you sit there quietly (the sessions are done over the phone) while he goes to work.  Now I have no idea what he was doing on the other end of the phone because all you could hear was his occasional deep breaths but it was amazing.  The issue that I had I could literally start to feel it melt away in my heart.  It was like putting a scoop of ice cream in the microwave, turning it on and watching it melt into a puddle.  It was one of the wildest experiences ever.  After he did his thing he would have you rate it again on a 1-10 scale and if it was above a 3 he would go to work again until it was a 1-2 or gone completely.  The sessions were an hour long and they went by super fast.  During each session we were able to melt away 3-5 issues.  He was very persistent in focusing on childhood events since those are usually the root of almost all of our issues that we carry over into adulthood.  If I had unlimited funds I would have a session with him once a week.  These are one of those things that you get what you pay for.  I was at a point in my life where I was so stressed out that money wasn’t an issue because I would pay almost anything to relieve my stress and anxiety levels.  It is around $500-$600 a session (maybe more, I can’t remember exactly how much since it has been a couple of years) but if you can afford it then I highly recommend at least trying it one time.

I believe that thanks to my friend that this was what helped set the stage for where I am at today.  Steve was able to remove a ton of baggage I was carrying over from my childhood into my adult life that negatively impacted my emotions and how I viewed life.  Now that the weeds were gone I was able to build on a solid foundation which enabled me to get to where I am today with my trading.

Steve’s website is:  You can tell him Evan Carthey sent you but I seriously doubt he remembers who I am.  Steve is a really cool dude and I highly recommend his services.

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  • Rodrigo

    Hello Evan,

    May I ask you how many session you went through with Steve?

    The issues you work with Steve is gone for good?

    Thank you time,

    • A

      Hello Rodrigo,

      I had 2 and a half sessions. Each session is one hour so I had 2.5 hours.

      Yes, I would say the things he worked on helped make them gone for good.

      It was a very good first step. Think of your brain like a garden.

      You have to get the weeds out for it to flourish and grow.

      That is what working with Steve helped do.

  • Ari Hirsch

    I was thinking of using his services, and looking for reviews when I came across your site. I am curious if the work you did with him has had lasting benefit?

    • A

      Hello Ari,

      Yes, it did have a lasting benefit but it was just one tool used in my continuous process to better myself. What it did was start the process of helping to eliminate old beliefs I had held as truths for many years. As I have mentioned, Steve is extremely expensive but he does work. If you want to start out with something similar then look-up the Lefkoe Method. The originator of it passed away but his widow is actively involved with the process. It is a way to flip the script on your negative pattern of beliefs we have developed over our lives. It doesn’t work exactly the same way as what Steve does but it is in the same ballpark and is MUCH cheaper.

  • alexander

    Hi Evan Carthey!
    I read your post on Steve Ira Present, I just had a few questions on what techniques he uses to help traders who are struggling with blocks like fear , anxiety and indecision to take and place trades and to stick with my stops and my trading method. And for getting out too early on my trades for fear or stops being hunted.
    Its basically indecision or inhibition to place futures trades using my method and skills and indecision to stick with the trade stops and targets. My worry is that it is some new age or kundalini spiritual work or exercise being done , which goes contrary to my beliefs as a Christian. He says he is a psycholigist in the usa, but when I researched what he does it seems like he doesnt use conventional things, I am familiar with faster eft, hypnosis, hypnotrading, and just checked out QEntrainment. Did any of these technics work better than Steve Ira for trading issues like the ones mentioned above?

    Best Regards,

    • Hello Alexander,

      I am a Christian as well! He didn’t use an new-age spiritualism stuff. It isn’t conventional what he does either. What he does is you tell him about issues you had in the past and how it affected you. Then he has you bring up the memory and think about it real hard and measure the intensity of how it affects you. Then you sit there quietly while he does whatever it is he is doing for the next 3-5 minutes. Next he has you measure the intensity again. Amazingly enough it has gone down when you try to bring the memory back up. I could literally feel the emotions going away, it was one of the wildest experiences I have gone through. He keeps repeating the process until you get the intensity to a 1-2. I equate it to pulling weeds out of your emotions. We all have emotional baggage where most of it stems from childhood issues and he is weeding out the issues. If you want a much cheaper version then check out Morty Lefkoe It works some-what in the same way but Steve’s is much faster but also much more expensive. When I spoke w/Steve it was for my sales job and not about trading but what I soon realized was that you can’t separate your trading psychology from who you are. You are who you are and Steve helps you remove the psychological blocks in your life so they don’t trip you up. It helps in trading and in everything you do in life.

      I’ve tried EFT numerous times but it doesn’t work for me. The Secret of Quantum Living was an awesome book for me and that is a major way how I meditate. I highly recommend that book. So my suggestion is if you want to hold off on Steve’s services then check out The Secret of Quantum Living and Morty Lefkoe’s course.

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