A question I answered about Mack’s Price Action Trading Course

I had a question sent to me and I found it to be very applicable to the majority of people who are searching to see if Mack’s Price Action Trading Course is worth the time and money.  This was from a review I had left about his course on a trading forum.  Many people looking to day trade have some experience with longer term trades but day trading is another beast.  It magnifies any shortcomings you have in your trading and will show you extremely quick where your trading style falls short.

Here are other links to my reviews of Mack’s Price Action Trading Course:

My Robinhood Referral

If this article helps you and you are thinking about signing up for Robinhood’s trading service then please use my referral link so we each will receive a free share of a stock:  http://share.robinhood.com/evanc203

My Robinhood Review:  https://evancarthey.com/review-robinhood-trading-service-with-no-fees-part-1/

Here Is The Question

I’m just starting out in trading. ATM in (removed for privacy), where my broker is, I only found two ETF to trade, that replicates the S&P or Nasdaq index. The problem is that in the auction practically only the computer of the ETF owner bids.
When I go long and the price direction is in my favor on the real index, the robot would raise the price slowly. When the price diminishes on the real index, the robot would diminish the price fast. :-(

I’ve seen your recommendation of PAT’s method here:
“This is one of the best teachings for price action trading I have ever seen.”
(removed for privacy)

But here you seem to criticize it:
“After you do a bunch of back testing you will soon find out that his entries suck and that scalping for one point using his method is tough.  One mistake and it could cost you a trade and a half if using the one point profit target.  Overall it will help you in your trading journey but for me it wasn’t the end all program.”
(removed for privacy).

Please, what do you suggest for learning Price Action and the entries?

Best regards
(removed for privacy)

My Response

It’s a great course for learning to focus on how the market moves for trading strictly off of price action.  As far as entries I think you will find better ideas than what he teaches but it is good for beginners for a couple of reasons.

1.  It provides a framework
2.  It helps take out the subjectivity in trading
3.  It provides targets and clear entries and exits
4.  He does daily recaps of trades on his Youtube channel
5.  He doesn’t rely on any indicators (besides a moving average)

If you want to see if price action fits your psychological makeup then this is a great course.  After I backtested it a ton I found other aspects that worked better for me than what he was teaching but I wouldn’t have found them if I didn’t try to learn the way he trades.  Your trading will evolve the more you learn and more importantly you will find what you don’t like to do so you will cut that out of your trading style.

Trading is a reflection of who you are so you can’t try to copy someone’s trading style 100% and expect the same results.  They created their own trading style based upon their psychological makeup and that is what you must do as well.  Learn as much as you can and then test it to see if it fits for what you are trying to accomplish.

Conclusion for Mack’s Price Action Trading System

The Last paragraph I wrote is the most important whether it is for Mack’s Price Action Trading Course or anything regarding trading.  Trading is a reflection of who you are so you can’t copy someone’s trading style 100% and expect the same results.  If they are profitable then it fits their psychological makeup and they trust it 100% because they created it.  You have to do the same.  Practice and test until you find out what works for you.

Be the creator.  That is where the power resides.

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