Brainwave Entrainment With the Brain Evolution System – A 2019 Review

Brainwave entrainment is a life hack to help get your brain into a different state of consciousness than it currently is in. There are tricks to help get you into a different state faster than meditating in silence. That is where Brainwave entrainment comes in. There are many different tracks people have produced for Brainwave entrainment. This post is going to focus on the Brain Evolution System because it is a structured 7 month process to assist you in consistent meditation through the Theta state.

This is a product I have been using and I do recommend it. I only recommend products/services I personally use and that have benefited me.

Previously when I first started using the Brain Evolution System I wrote a review because I saw the benefits of it right away. I had attempted to use it all the way through but I never made it past level 2. Usually I would find other tracks to meditate with so I would switch back and forth. Now, I made the decision to finish all 7 levels. This will take me 7 months since there are 7 tracks and you are to listen to each track for one month.

This post will be an updated review throughout my 7 months of using Brain EV . So if you are reading it now and it isn’t complete yet then check back in a month from now and I will have another month complete. Right away the biggest benefit of following this system is it has given me a structured soundtrack to listen to for 30 minutes a day. Previously, being consistent was my biggest challenge. Now, it is rare where I don’t do at least 6 out of 7 days a week in at least 30 minutes per day.

I’ve also been finding my meditation sessions going over 30 minutes. When one of the tracks ends I will rewind it or go listen to another track for another 5-30 minutes. So not only am I meditating on a more consistent basis but I am meditating longer and longer.

The goal for my meditation is to get into the gaps. The gaps are the spaces between my thoughts where there is stillness and silence. What that really means is I am in a Theta state. I recommend the book Quantum Entrainment by Frank Kinslow if you are looking at getting started. That is how I got started with my meditation practice. Here is a review I wrote about how I meditate.

What is Brainwave Entrainment?

Wikipedia defines Brainwave entrainment as:

Brainwave entrainment, also referred to as brainwave synchronization[1] and neural entrainment, refers to the hypothesized capacity of the brain to naturally synchronize its brainwave frequencies with the rhythm of periodic external stimuli, most commonly auditory, visual, or tactile.


It is widely accepted that patterns of neural firing, measured in Hz, correspond with states of alertness such as focused attention, deep sleep, etc.[2] It is hypothesized that by listening to these beats of certain frequencies one can induce a desired state of consciousness that corresponds with specific neural activity, such as studying, sleeping, exercising, meditating, doing creative work, and so on.

The two main waves we experience when we are awake are Beta and Alpha waves. Beta waves are important for effective functioning during the day. But they are also associated with stress, anxiety and restlessness. So the goal is for you to not operate too much in the Beta state. With the high level of anxiety it is safe to say this is an issue in Western culture. Just look at how much money the drug companies make from selling anti-anxiety drugs. Those drugs aren’t meant to cure you of your anxiety or depression. (Please note I am not a doctor and am not making any medical suggestions or claims) The role of drug companies isn’t to cure. There isn’t nearly as much money for drug companies to discover a cure. The real money is made in treatment and getting you to live with your condition while you rely on their pills to keep you in that working state.

brainwave entrainment
brainwave entrainment

I’m not trying to sound like a conspiracy theorist but I do believe the less prescription drugs you take then the healthier you will be. Yes, of course there are certain drugs certain people have to have in order to survive and live. There is obviously a clear distinction between that and just popping a Xanax because you don’t want to deal with the stress in your life at the moment.

The next stage we operate in when we are awake is the Alpha stage. This is the stage that emerges when you are daydreaming or during light meditation. If you have ever daydreamed (who hasn’t) then you have been in an Alpha state. This is also the stage you go into before the Theta state. This is the first state where you can access your subconscious mind. Alpha is also known as your “intuition.”  So if you meditate then you will eventually get into the Alpha state.

The goal is to get into the Theta stage of meditation using Brainwave entrainment. These waves appear during deep meditation and light sleep. So the goal is to get into the Theta stage and not fall asleep. It is the realm of your subconscious and this is where your beliefs and thought processes are stored. This is the area where you can “re-program you. This is the area where you experience the “gaps” that I mentioned at the beginning of this post. You are conscious of your surrounding but you are extremely relaxed in deep meditation

This is where the Brain Evolution system comes in.

What is the Brain Evolution System?

The Brain Evolution System(affiliate link) is “The Most Powerful Self-Development Technology on Earth!” (I did not come up with that, it is on their homepage. Whether or not it is the most powerful is definitely up for debate. How would you measure it anyways)

brainwave entrainment
brainwave entrainment

The Brain Evolution System consists of 6 separate levels. (There are actually 7 but the 7th level is a special track sold separately) Each level gets progressively deeper and more interactive than the last. All you do is listen to the track each month for 30 minutes per day. That is all there is to it. In case you were not aware you want to do it with a meditation session where you can close your eyes and meditate. I doubt this program would do you any good if you listened to it while driving or doing something else. You do need to dedicate 30 minutes to only listen to the audio track.

If you want to download a free track then CLICK HERE (affiliate link). You can test out the 1st month to see what I am talking about. You do have to put in your credit card info. I assume if you don’t like it and want to return it that they’ll honor it but you never know. I did look to see if anyone had anything negative to say if it is a ripoff. I went to the but they weren’t listed so that is a good sign.

If you do sign up the price is $99×3 so the total is $297.

The biggest benefit as I have mentioned above is the consistency it provides. I know have 30 minutes where I know I am going to meditate. When my thoughts start to overwhelm I can focus on the sounds of the babbling brook and they dissipate quicker than when I am not listening to anything at all.

The BrainEV people claim that their brainwave entrainment will:

  1. Eliminate all stress and anxiety
  2. Dramatically sharpen your thinking
  3. Massively boost your mood & happiness

I would agree with number 2 and 3 from above. I seriously doubt their audio tracks will eliminate all your stress and anxiety. It will definitely help improve your stress and anxiety if you meditate for 30 minutes a day for 7 months. That would happen even without their program.

But their program provides the consistency to do so. Reducing your stress and anxiety is another reason why I recommend anyone (not just traders) meditate every day. I do agree that your thinking and analytical abilities will improve as well as your mood and happiness. Typically the less stressed and fewer anxieties you have the clearer you think and the more joyful you are. They all go hand in hand together.

Brain waves
brainwave entrainment

My Review of Brainwave Entrainment Through the Brain Evolution System

Month 1

In the first month of the Brain Evolution System it provides sounds of a bubbling brook for the audio track. There were plenty of times I found myself falling asleep while listening to this track and trying to meditate. The main reason why is my body obviously needed more sleep. But also I think my body was not used to getting into a Theta state of meditation and relaxing in it. There is a fine line of being in a Theta state of meditation while being alert in deep meditation vs drifting off to sleep. I believe the 1st level was starting to condition my brain on how to get into a Theta state and stay awake.

With level one I really enjoyed the relaxing sounds of the running water. Like I mentioned above it was the sound of a bubbling brook. It was extremely relaxing to listen to. They recommend listening to their program 6 out of 7 days but I probably only missed 1-2 days the first month.

Month 2

This month so far has been my least favorite. While month one’s audio track was extremely relaxing, this one was the opposite. It was a mixture of sounds of rustling leaves and a tiny bubbling brook in the background. That may seem relaxing and it would have been but then there were gongs of bells that would randomly make their noise throughout the track. It became extremely annoying. The good news is I found myself drifting off to sleep less and less. Probably because the gongs of the bells kept me from drifting off to sleep.

It also was kind of creepy. The rustling leaves sounded like something from a scary movie and then you have the gongs going off as well. The audio track could have been taken out of a horror movie where someone is lost in the woods and the only thing leading them on is the mysterious sounds of the gongs of bells in the distance that gets louder and louder the closer they get to it.

So maybe month two did what it was supposed to do in keeping me awake during the meditation session? But at about day 25 I had had enough. For a couple of days I switched to a couple of Theta tracks from Dr. Jeffrey Thompson because I found myself not wanting to meditate while listening to Brain EV’s month two audio track.  That is how I ended month 2.

Month 3

Yes! Another relaxing audio track. It is the sounds of waves crashing on-shore. If you have ever been at the beach at night and listened to the waves hitting the shore then this is exactly what month 3 of the Brain Evolution System’s audio track sounds like.

Month 4
Month 5
Month 6
Month 7



When I get to the end of the 7 months I will provide a detailed conclusion of the pros and cons of the Brain Evolution System. Check back in each month to see the updated review.

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